Anger, Disguised, Misnamed

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When I think anger I’m usually thinking about rage, uncontrollable and destructive. But rage is only one term for anger but the easiest to spot. Here are some other words that mean anger. I’ve broken them out is categories these … Read More

Letting Emotion Flow

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I found this podcast very enlightening about emotions. Learning to follow my emotions to the things that are important to me. Letting emotions like sorrow cleanse my soul. Letting fear make me aware. Anger warning me of a boundary violation. … Read More

What’s in it for me?

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“What’s in it for me?” is a question I’m learning to avoid. I find that I usually don’t really like the answer, it’s never enough, it’s the wrong color or some other reason to find fault.  If I ask this … Read More

Small Victories

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When I was young I would dreamtof being a knight in shining armor, leading armies and defeating the evil ones. I thought that it was important to win the championship, knock down the biggest bully, always win first prize. I … Read More

My Calling

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My genius is the ability to create sacred space. My calling is to perform rituals that create sacred spaces that provide a safe place for people to heal, to drop their toxic elements, and to connect with the divine through … Read More

The Wound

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“We may be closest to hearing the call when we feel most alone or in trouble, for genius hides behind the wound and one of the greatest wounds in life is to not know who we are intended to be … Read More

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