My Family Dance

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The interrelatedness of me with my family is a dance. It’s been a Foxtrot done to Tango music. The steps never synced with the beat, or rarely did. The composition of the music we danced by was a secret. Much … Read More


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I’m drawn to water, especially wild flowing water. I often wonder what draws me to live near water, especially rivers. Rivers move from a source and join other streams, eventually to the great Earth waters. These waters contain their own … Read More

Obedience Issues

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I have issues with the word obedience, especially in relation to God. When I’m told to obey, I rebel. I blanch at the sound of the word obedience or stumble across it in my reading. This hasn’t gone away with … Read More

Seeking Peace

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When I was much younger the way I sought peace with in me was to shout down the folks who made the noise I didn’t like. I didn’t get peace, but I did experience isolation. Another way I found peace … Read More

Don’t Engage with Negativity

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Don’t Engage with Negativity Negativity is a disease condition. If negative thoughts come from the ego mind, refuse to hold them or reason with them. Simply release them, focus and re-center on the present moment. Negativity that is perceived to … Read More


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It’s prudent to pay attention to the weather, traffic and other potential dangers. When I’m aware, from my true self, I can discern which hazards are real from those conjured by my over blown ego. I can release the ego … Read More